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Nice to

Meat you!


I'm Clay Groom. That's my fiancé and partner in crime, Sarah.

I was born in Idaho County, and ranching is in my blood (spanning five generations).

At 19, I was confronted with a diagnosis of Lupus, a challenge that would test my resolve for years to come.

Around 2015, I embarked on a quest for knowledge, delving into the intricacies of gut health, leaky gut syndrome, and the complexities surrounding GMOs. Through meticulous research and self-discovery, I unearthed insights that prompted a shift in my dietary habits, ultimately yielding remarkable improvements in my health.

Since 2017, I have remained in remission from Lupus, experiencing a vitality and well-being that I had never imagined. I’m getting married to the love of my life in June, and we’re chasing our dreams.

This transformative health journey illuminated the critical importance of natural animal husbandry in sustaining my own physical equilibrium.

I founded Sunrise Livestock with a singular mission: to empower others to nurture their bodies in alignment with nature's wisdom. Through our endeavors, we strive to cultivate a community dedicated to well-being and mindful consumption.

What's Inside

The Taster?

Roasts | Steaks | Burger

An assortment made up of 1/3 burger, 1/3 steaks, 1/3 Roasts.

A 20 pound box of our finest beef!

We made this package for those wanting to try our beef before investing in a fully stocked freezer!

We like to call it the trifecta of beef excellence, combining our signature roasts, thick steaks, and richly textured ground beef in one offering.

"The Taster" is more than just a sampler. It's an introduction to a legacy of quality and tradition, giving you a taste of beef raised with passion and precision.

This is the taste and quality that comes with beef that's cared for every step of the way.

Reg. Price: $275


Yes, you can buy a WHOLE LOT more with our

Half, Full and Quarter Beef Options.

Call us for details today!


Amazing meat from Idaho’s Sunrise Livestock ! Thank you! Can’t wait to smoke the Brisket.

Joshua Brown


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Just us

Clay and Sarah Groom


We’re Sunrise Livestock!

We live, work, and our true passion - raise all natural beef - in White Bird, Idaho.

Our mission to produce all natural locally sourced beef began with a health crisis that was greatly helped if not solved when we began consuming these products ourselves.

We can’t wait to share this product with you. Read more of our story here.

Get In Touch

Assistance Hours

Mon – Sat 9:00am – 8:00pm

Sunday – CLOSED

Phone Number:


Grangeville, ID 83530, USA

Call 208-507-1589

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